Has someone that you know mentioned that they’re planning to move abroad? What does that mean? What is moving abroad, and why do people move abroad? This post will answer these questions and more!

Hi, and welcome! I’m Nat, an American girl who moved abroad at the age of 21, and has been living in China for the past 5 years.
So you’re curious about what it means to move abroad? Perfect, I’m glad you’re here! Let’s jump right in!
What Is Moving Abroad?
Moving abroad is when someone moves away from their home country to live in a foreign country.
This is DIFFERENT than studying abroad! A study abroad program usually lasts just a few months.
But when someone moves abroad, they are planning to live in that foreign country long-term, maybe for a year or two, or maybe without an end date, or indefinitely!
In this case, we would call the person moving either an expat or an immigrant, depending on their goal in moving away from their home. I wrote about the differences between expats and immigrants here in this post!
Vacations, long-term travel, and study abroad programs are NOT in the category of moving abroad, because they are all short-term, with the intent of quickly returning to the traveler’s home country.
But when someone moves abroad, they take their life with them and plan to work and be immersed in the foreign country they move to. They literally move their life to another country.
Why Do People Move Abroad?

There are SO many reasons why people move abroad!
For expats, we usually move abroad with the intent of returning home. Personally, I moved to China to take a working gap year after finishing college, but that turned into five years! (Though I do still plan to move home!)
Some people move abroad for similar reasons: they just want to spend a year or two living in a different culture and are hungry for adventure.
But some people move abroad for work! Many companies have employees stationed around the world, and sometimes employees may spend some time living and working abroad.
Some people move abroad for personal reasons other than adventure or work. Sometimes people are looking to make more money, and have better opportunities in a foreign country.
There are SO many reasons why people move abroad to start life as an expat!
As I mentioned earlier, though, there are people who move abroad without the intention of returning to their home countries. We often call them “immigrants”, and I wrote more about that subject here!
Can Anyone Move Abroad?
I’d like to think…yes! Anyone can move abroad!
However, I know that’s not the reality for everyone. Moving abroad requires money to buy travel tickets, to move your life overseas, and to establish yourself in a new country, all of which can really add up!
While anyone may be capable of making such a big life change on a personal level, the financial burdens of moving abroad may make this quite a difficult process for some people.
I feel incredibly lucky to have moved abroad at the age of 21. I had just a few hundred dollars in my name, and spent my first two years abroad living in the Employees’ Dormitory of my workplace!
But this living situation let me have a super soft landing, so that I had time to find my footing and establish myself here. Not everyone is so lucky when moving abroad!
Is Moving Abroad Dangerous?

Honestly…it depends! Where are you moving to? Is that country safe for someone of your age/gender? All of these questions should be researched before you move (I have a post on what to do before moving abroad here).
Of course, there are risks when moving abroad. It can be risky financially, if you don’t have a lot of savings to back you up.
Also, you’re going to be on your own in a new country, which you may not speak the language of. This always presents opportunities for others to exploit your confusion and general lack of knowledge.
Lastly, moving abroad CAN go wrong sometimes, and with pretty big consequences! I wrote a post about moving abroad’s biggest cons here.
“Fortune favors the prepared”, so when moving abroad, it’s important to be vigilant and to look out for yourself!
Many people move abroad, for a variety of reasons! It’s a massive life decision, and will easily lead to one of the best experiences of your life.
A lot goes into moving abroad, and that’s why I made this blog! Feel free to poke around, as there are plenty of other posts which I’m sure will answer more of your questions (or check out the links below!).
If you came to this post asking yourself: “What is moving abroad?”, I hope you found your answer, and more! Do you have other questions about moving abroad? I’d love to answer them in the comments!
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