I’ve written a lot on this blog about some of the downsides that expats run into. But today, we’re switching gears to talk about practical ways that YOU can move abroad and THRIVE!!

We all know that life isn’t totally sunshine and roses. And usually, when things go wrong…that’s when we start Googling. That’s probably why most of my posts focus on problems expats have, such as:
- Expat Grief: what it is and how to deal with it
- Moving abroad RUINED my life: the unexpected downsides of expat living
- What is moving abroad? Full picture from an expat
But this post is setting those downsides aside. Because it’s not only important to address problems, but it’s also important to discuss how to AVOID them in the first place! Prevention is the best medicine!
So let’s talk about how YOU can move abroad and THRIVE!
Move Abroad And Thrive: Luck or Hard Work?

Some people have the BEST experiences of their lives abroad! They love their expat country, get into the language and culture, and really feel that every day is a kind of magical experience.
However, some people come home from living abroad feeling more scarred and relieved to be home than anything. Why is that?
Do some people just get lucky? Or is there some hard work involved in thriving abroad?
The “Luck” Aspects of Moving Abroad
Some people really click with some countries. Some people are very repelled by some countries. How do you know if you’ll like the country you’re moving to?
There are several ways to figure this out! You can visit the country you’re looking to move to–that’s probably the best way to evaluate how things will be.
Even if you can’t visit, lots of research or connecting with expats who already live there can help you get an idea of the place!
Personally, I visited China as a volunteer English teacher MANY times before moving here! So I already knew what I was getting into, and it made the transition a lot smoother!
Other aspects of “luck” could be that you pick up languages easily, or that your home culture is highly compatible with the culture of your expat country.
Over the years, I’ve seen some expats thrive in China, and others who became completely bitter and turned-off. Why? Mainly, from my perspective, this had to do with the mindset of these expats.
Expats who welcome a different culture and way of doing things tend to thrive. Those who are inflexible and determined to do things only in their own ways tend to burn out quite quickly.
Some people honestly just don’t have the right temperament for a certain country.
I have (kindly) told several expats in China who have whined endlessly about how things are done here that “if you really dislike it so much, maybe you should just move home”.
Is it luck? Maybe a bit. But mostly it has to do with your decisions of how you’ll interact with your expat country.
“Hard Work” Aspects: Speaking the Language
Learning a language is REAL, HARD work!!
Yes, immersion will help you to pick things up more naturally…but I would say that, in my case, 80% of the expats I’ve met in China don’t even speak basic conversational Chinese; they just know some survival phrases.
Some of those expats have even lived in China for over a decade! Now I know you may be thinking…”Come on, this isn’t like learning Italian in Italy. This is CHINESE!”
But I am here to tell you that, as someone who is learning both Chinese and Russian at the moment, Chinese is MUCH easier to speak than Russian!! Mostly because Chinese grammar is SUPER simple and hard to mess up.
It mainly has to do with the fact that I spent time self-studying Chinese and trying to build up my vocabulary, as well as taking a job which provided me with total immersion (none of my Chinese colleagues spoke English).
If you really want to thrive while living abroad as an expat, I HIGHLY recommend you invest time before AND after moving to learn the language!!
“Hard Work” Aspects: Appreciating the CUlture
Lots of expats copy and paste their home life into a new country, surround themselves with familiar people and experiences, and don’t actually “immerse” at ALL!
Getting to REALLY know the culture and history of a country is also hard work (especially in China, with over 5000 years of history!)
You’d be shocked at how many expats have never read books about their expat country, or never even visited major museums of the country’s history!
Honestly, China and America (my home country) are like oil and water in some ways. I NEVER thought I could appreciate the culture and history here as much as I do.
But because I spent a lot of time reading some famous Chinese books (in English) and intentionally visiting museums and other famous cultural spots, I have built such a deep appreciation and respect for this culture.
My personal mindsets haven’t necessarily changed. But I’ve found space to appreciate a different mindset, even if that means I don’t totally fit into or agree with it.
Just know: we can’t appreciate a different country and culture if we don’t try to learn about it with an open mind and heart!
If you really want to become a part of the country you’re living in, to speak the language, build relationships, and appreciate its culture, you will have to do a LOT of reading, a LOT of studying, and a LOT of work!!
Practical Tips to Move Abroad and Thrive

Now that we’ve discussed some of the BIG PICTURE aspects to thriving abroad, let’s look at some practical tips.
First and foremost, make sure you prepare logistically for your trip. Some people just pack up and move without thinking about things like handling bank issues and documents in their home country (potentially big mistake).
I wrote a post on what to do BEFORE moving abroad here, and it’s pretty much what I’d wish I’d known 5 years ago! Preparing well can help you thrive abroad because you’ll avoid SO many logistical headaches!
Once you’re on the ground, here are my top recommendations to help you move abroad and thrive:
My Top Tips for Thriving Abroad:
- Invest a LOT of time in building community! Get outside and try to find the popular hangout spots.
- Be intentional about staying in touch with family and friends from home. You’ll need their support!
- Pick up a hobby related to your expat country. Cultural painting? Their national sport? You name it!
- Stay active. Go on walks to check out the area you live in! Or join a local gym, or start home exercises! Not paying attention to your health can lead you to feel pretty down.
- Make your new place a HOME. Invest some money to make it feel like yours!
- Invest in language lessons. Usually its cheaper to study a language IN the country itself than it is to find a teacher when you’re outside of the country!
- HOST new friends at your new place! Making memories at your home is what REALLY makes it feel like you belong there. I CANNOT stress how helpful this one is!
- Be proactive about visiting museums or famous sites near you! So many expats put this off, since they think “well I live here, I’ll get around to it…” and then, they end up moving home WITHOUT having gone!
- Don’t forget about sharing YOUR culture too! Just like you’re curious about this new place, new friends will be curious about you! Share your favorite dishes or holidays with them!
- Be prepared for emotional difficulties. I write about expat grief in this post, and experiencing it is not so much an “if” as a “when”. Be prepared to have grace with yourself, and to get help as needed!
These are some of the top tips that I’ve learned from my own experience. Expat friends–I’d love if you could chime in down in the comments!!
Moving abroad will definitely change your life. And of course, it won’t be all easy!
But it certainly doesn’t have to be traumatic! In fact, so much of it is truly what you make of it, and how much effort you invest into the experience. Staying flexible and open-minded is SO key to thriving abroad!
If you’re moving abroad soon, or have already moved abroad, I’m super glad that you found my page, and hope that this was helpful information for you! I’d love to hear any suggestions for expats that you have in the comments!
It’s not difficult to move abroad and thrive; it just takes patience, dedication, and above all, persistence! With the right mindset and some intentional habits, you’ll definitely have what it takes to enjoy expat living!
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