Need some inspiration for your travels? These 10 Solo Travel Quotes will give you the motivation you need to make your dreams come true!
Hey, and welcome to my blog! My name is Nat, and I’m an American expat living in Asia for five years.
I’ve done plenty of solo travel in the last fifteen years. My first solo flight was from Beijing to NYC when I was just fifteen years old!
It takes courage to be a solo traveler, and many people will be quick to remind you of the dangers and risks involved. However, also it’s important to remember all of the AMAZING things about solo travel.
Solo Travel Quotes that are Relevant & Inspiring!
I searched the internet for the most BEAUTIFUL, INSPIRING, and RELEVANT solo travel quotes, so I can share them with you. Here they are!
#1: “And if I’m flying Solo, at least I’m Flying Free”
Sometimes we would rather travel with friends. But the blessing of “flying solo” is that you’re FREE! Untethered by others’ plans or likes/dislikes.
You can just follow where the road leads you. That’s freedom!

#2: “Don’t Be Scared to Walk Alone, Don’t Be Scared To Like it.”
Especially with social media, it’s easy to think that we need “our people” to do something to the fullest.
But the reality is: there’s SO much good in traveling alone! Don’t be afraid to enjoy it!

#3: “If You Travel Far Enough, You’ll Eventually Meet yourself.”
One of the best parts about solo travel is the self-discovery that happens along the way.
And one of the BEST ways to learn about yourself is by facing the challenges of travel on your own!

#4: “To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.”
I remember the morning when I woke up in Thailand, on my first ever solo-trip to a new country. Early dawn light crept in through the hostel windows while I got out of bed to gaze out at an awakening Phuket.
It was truly one of the most awakening moments of my life!

#5: “This is the journey of your life…only you can see it.”
Not everyone understands the travel bug! And when you’re traveling solo especially, it’s likely that people may misunderstand your intentions or purposes.
It’s SO much more than just photos and scenery! It’s about personal enrichment and discovery. So go for it!

#6: “Sometimes the journey has to be travelled alone…”
Fact: Traveling alone will reveal things about yourself that maybe NOTHING else in the world could reveal!
You have to learn a balance of self-sufficiency and leaning on the help of strangers as you go. You have to face your fears, and rely on just yourself to come up with solutions to some MAJOR problems.
You’ll learn about strengths you didn’t know you had!

#7: “So call me a fool but I’m happy to be lost.”
Travelers are SO often misunderstood. It’s NOT about the glam or excitement: it’s about learning, experiencing, and being.
Sure, being on the road so much can make us feel a bit lost. But there’s a beauty to that “lostness”!

#8: “It is always our own self that we find at the end of the journey…”
One of the BIGGEST facets of travel is self-discovery! This solo travel quote hits that nail on the head!
We go to learn about other places (and we do!) but we also learn so much about our own development.

#9: “Travel: the best way to be lost and found at the same time.”
Is it belonging everywhere? Or belonging nowhere?
That line between belonging and not-belonging is highlighted when you’re the only person traveling solo.
This solo travel quote sums it up well: those of us who go alone are both lost and found at the same time.

#10: “Not All Those Who Wander Are lost”
This quote from Lord of the Rings may be overused…but I find it much lovelier when quoted more fully.
And overused or not, the truth of this quote always resonates with solo travel folks!

I hope that these solo travel quotes have inspired you to keep on dreaming and planning! Feel free to pin them and share them, so that you can inspire others as well! Thank you SO MUCH for popping by!
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